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imag - Variable in class struct.FFTData
Imaginary parts
imagAsBytes - Variable in class struct.FFTData
Imaginary parts as bytes
impactX - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The change in the horizontal speed of the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
impactY - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The change in the vertical speed of the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
initialize(GameData, boolean) - Method in interface aiinterface.AIInterface
This method initializes AI, and it will be executed only once in the beginning of each game.
input() - Method in interface aiinterface.AIInterface
Receives a key input from AI.
It is executed in each frame and returns a value in the Key type.
isBlind() - Method in interface aiinterface.AIInterface
Receives whether or not the AI is blind.
isControl() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the flag whether this character can run a new motion with the motion's command.
isDownProp() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the flag whether this skill can push down the opponent when hit.
isEmpty() - Method in class struct.Key
Returns the flag whether or not the key is being pressed.
isFront() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's facing direction.
isFront(boolean) - Method in class struct.FrameData
The character's facing direction.
isHitConfirm() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the flag whether the motion hits the opponent or not.
isPlayerNumber() - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Returns the character's side flag.
isPlayerNumber() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the player side's flag.
isPlayerNumber() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's side flag.
isProjectile - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The flag whether this skill is projectile or not.
true if this skill is projectile, false otherwise.
isProjectile() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the flag whether this skill is projectile or not.
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