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ScreenData - Class in struct
The class dealing with the screen information such as the game screen's image and the background color.
setAction(Action) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's action.
setActive(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the number of frames in Active.
setAttack(AttackData) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's attack.
setAttackType(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the value of the attack type: 1 = high, 2 = middle, 3 = low, 4 = throw.
setBottom(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's hit box's most-bottom y-coordinate
setControl(boolean) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the flag whether this character can run a new motion with the motion's command.
setCurrentFrame(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the number of frames since this attack was used.
setDownProp(boolean) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the flag whether this skill can push down the opponent when hit.
setEnergy(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's energy.
setFrameData(FrameData, boolean) - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Sets the current frame data and the boolean variable representing P1 and P2.
setFront(boolean) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's facing direction.
setGiveEnergy(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the value of the energy added to the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
setGiveGuardRecov(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the number of frames that the guarded opponent needs to resume to his normal status after being hit by this skill.
setGuardAddEnergy(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the value of the energy added to the character when this skill is blocked by the opponent.
setGuardDamage(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the damage value to the guarded opponent hit by this skill.
setHitAddEnergy(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the value of the energy added to the character when this skill hits the opponent.
setHitConfirm(boolean) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets a boolean value whether the motion hits the opponent or not.
setHitCount(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the continuous hit count of attacks used by this character.
setHitDamage(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the damage value to the unguarded opponent hit by this skill.
setHp(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's HP.
setImpactX(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the change in the horizontal speed of the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
setImpactY(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the change in the vertical speed of the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
setIsProjectile(boolean) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the boolean value whether this skill is projectile or not.
setLastHitFrame(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the frame number of the last frame that an attack used by this character hit the opponent.
setLeft(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's hit box's most-left x-coordinate
setPlayerNumber(boolean) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the player side's flag.
setRemainingFrame(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the number of frames that the character needs to resume to its normal status.
setRight(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's hit box's most-right x-coordinate.
setSettingHitArea(HitArea) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets HitArea's setting information.
setSettingSpeedX(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the absolute value of the horizontal speed of the attack hit box (zero means the attack hit box will track the character).
setSettingSpeedY(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the absolute value of the vertical speed of the attack hit box (zero means the attack hit box will track the character).
setSpeedX(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the horizontal speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving left and plus when moving right).
setSpeedX(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's horizontal speed.
setSpeedY(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the vertical speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving up and plus when moving down).
setSpeedY(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's vertical speed.
setStartAddEnergy(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the value of energy added to the character when it uses this skill.
setStartUp(int) - Method in class struct.AttackData
Sets the number of frames in Startup.
setState(State) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's state.
settingHitArea - Variable in class struct.AttackData
TheHitArea's information of this attack hit box set in Motion.csv.
settingSpeedX - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The absolute value of the horizontal speed of the attack hit box (zero means the attack hit box will track the character).
settingSpeedY - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The absolute value of the vertical speed of the attack hit box (zero means the attack hit box will track the character).
setTop(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's hit box's most-top y-coordinate
setX(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's horizontal position.
setY(int) - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Sets the character's vertical position.
skillCancel() - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Deletes all the keys from the list of keys waiting to be executed.
skillKey - Variable in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
The list storing the converted keys.
spectrogramData - Variable in class struct.AudioData
Mel-Spectrogram audio data.
spectrogramDataAsBytes - Variable in class struct.AudioData
Mel-Spectrogram audio data as byte sequence.
speedX - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The horizontal speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving left and plus when moving right).
speedX - Variable in class struct.CharacterData
The character's horizontal speed.
speedY - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The vertical speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving up and plus when moving down).
speedY - Variable in class struct.CharacterData
The character's vertical speed.
STAND - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.State
STAND_A - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_B - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_D_DB_BA - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_D_DB_BB - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_D_DF_FA - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_D_DF_FB - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_D_DF_FC - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_F_D_DFA - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_F_D_DFB - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_FA - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_FB - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_GUARD - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_GUARD_RECOV - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
STAND_RECOV - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
startAddEnergy - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The value of the energy added to the character when it uses this skill.
startUp - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The number of frames in Startup.
state - Variable in class struct.CharacterData
The character's state: STAND / CROUCH / AIR / DOWN.
State - Enum Class in enumerate
The class that defines the states of the character in the game.
State() - Constructor for enum class enumerate.State
struct - package struct
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