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GameData - Class in struct
The class dealing with invariable information in the game such as the screen width of the stage and the chatacter's maximum HP.
gameEnd() - Method in interface aiinterface.AIInterface
It is called when the game ends.
getAction() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's action.
getActive() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the number of frames in Active.
getAiName(boolean) - Method in class struct.GameData
Returns the AI name of the specified player.
getAttack() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the attack data that the character is using.
getAttackType() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the value of the attack type: 1 = high, 2 = middle, 3 = low, 4 = throw.
getAudioData(AudioData) - Method in interface aiinterface.AIInterface
Gets the audio information in each frame.
For more details on the data structure, please see
getBottom() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's hit box's most-bottom y-coordinate.
getBottom() - Method in class struct.HitArea
Returns the most bottom y coordinate of the hit box.
getCenterX() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's hit box's center x-coordinate.
getCenterY() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's hit box's center y-coordinate.
getCharacter(boolean) - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns an instance of the CharacterData class of the player specified by an argument.
getCharacterName(boolean) - Method in class struct.GameData
Returns the character name of the specified player.
getCurrentFrame() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the number of frames since this attack was used.
getCurrentHitArea() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns HitArea's information of this attack hit box in the current frame.
getDisplayBytes() - Method in class struct.ScreenData
Obtains RGB data of the screen in the form of bytes.
getDistanceX() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns the horizontal distance between P1 and P2.
getDistanceY() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns the vertical distance between P1 and P2.
getElapsedFrame() - Method in class struct.RoundResult
Returns the number of elapsed frames.
getEmptyFlag() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns true if this instance is empty, false if it contains meaningful data.
getEnergy() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's energy.
getFftData() - Method in class struct.AudioData
Gets Fast Fourier Transform data.
getFramesNumber() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns the number of frames since the beginning of the round.
getGiveEnergy() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the value of the energy added to the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
getGiveGuardRecov() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the number of frames that the guarded opponent needs to resume to its normal status after being hit by this skill.
getGraphicAdjustX() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the amount of movement in the horizontal direction used to adjust the x coordinate when determining the direction of the character.
getGraphicSizeX() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's graphic width.
getGraphicSizeY() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's graphic height.
getGuardAddEnergy() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the value of the energy added to the character when this skill is blocked by the opponent.
getGuardDamage() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the damage value to the guarded opponent hit by this skill.
getHitAddEnergy() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the value of the energy added to the character when this skill hits the opponent.
getHitCount() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the continuous hit count of attacks used by this character.
getHitDamage() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the damage value to the unguarded opponent hit by this skill.
getHp() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's HP.
getImag() - Method in class struct.FFTData
Gets imaginary part.
getImagAsBytes() - Method in class struct.FFTData
Byte sequence version of FFTData.getImag()
This method is recommended for Python-based AI
getImpactX() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the change in the horizontal speed of the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
getImpactY() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the change in the vertical speed of the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
getInformation(FrameData, boolean, FrameData) - Method in interface aiinterface.AIInterface
Gets information from the game status in each frame.
getLastHitFrame() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the frame number of the last frame that an attack used by this character hit the opponent.
getLeft() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's hit box's most-left x-coordinate.
getLeft() - Method in class struct.HitArea
Returns the most left x coordinate of the hit box.
getLever(boolean) - Method in class struct.Key
Returns the value indicating the direction key input by the player using the numeric keypad.
getMaxEnergy(boolean) - Method in class struct.GameData
Returns the maximum energy of the specified player.
getMaxHP(boolean) - Method in class struct.GameData
Returns the maximum HP of the specified player.
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the integer number indicating the player of the attack.
getProjectiles() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns the projectile data of both characters.
getProjectilesByP1() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns the projectile data of player 1.
getProjectilesByP2() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns the projectile data of player 2.
getRawData() - Method in class struct.AudioData
Gets raw audio data.
getRawDataAsBytes() - Method in class struct.AudioData
Byte sequence version of AudioData.getRawData().
This method is recommended for Python-based AI
getReal() - Method in class struct.FFTData
Gets real part.
getRealAsBytes() - Method in class struct.FFTData
Byte sequence version of FFTData.getReal().
This method is recommended for Python-based AI
getRemainingFrame() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the number of frames that the character needs to resume to its normal status.
getRemainingHPs() - Method in class struct.RoundResult
Returns an array that stores the remaining HP of P1 and P2.
getRight() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's hit box's most-right x-coordinate.
getRight() - Method in class struct.HitArea
Returns the most right x coordinate of the hit box.
getRound() - Method in class struct.FrameData
Returns the current round number.
getRound() - Method in class struct.RoundResult
Returns the current round number.
getScreenData(ScreenData) - Method in interface aiinterface.AIInterface
Gets the screen information in each frame.
getSettingHitArea() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns HitArea's setting information.
getSettingSpeedX() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the absolute value of the horizontal speed of the attack hit box (zero means the attack hit box will track the character).
getSettingSpeedY() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the absolute value of the vertical speed of the attack hit box (zero means the attack hit box will track the character).
getSkillFlag() - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Returns whether there are unexecuted keys in the list of keys waiting to be executed.
getSkillKey() - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Returns the first element from the list of keys waiting to be executed.
getSkillKeys() - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Returns the list of keys waiting to be executed.
getSpectrogramData() - Method in class struct.AudioData
Gets Mel-Spectrogram data.
getSpectrogramDataAsBytes() - Method in class struct.AudioData
Byte sequence version of AudioData.getSpectrogramData().
This method is recommended for Python-based AI
getSpeedX() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the horizontal speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving left and plus when moving right).
getSpeedX() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's horizontal speed.
getSpeedY() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the vertical speed of the attack hit box (minus when moving up and plus when moving down).
getSpeedY() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's vertical speed.
getStartAddEnergy() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the value of the energy added to the character when it uses this skill.
getStartUp() - Method in class struct.AttackData
Returns the number of frames in Startup.
getState() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's state: STAND / CROUCH/ AIR / DOWN.
getTop() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
Returns the character's hit box's most-top y-coordinate.
getTop() - Method in class struct.HitArea
Returns the most top y coordinate of the hit box.
getX() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
getY() - Method in class struct.CharacterData
giveEnergy - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The value of the energy added to the opponent when it is hit by this skill.
giveGuardRecov - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The number of frames that the guarded opponent needs to resume to his normal status after being hit by this skill.
graphicAdjustX - Variable in class struct.CharacterData
The amount of movement in the horizontal direction used to adjust the x coordinate when determining the direction of the character.
graphicSizeX - Variable in class struct.CharacterData
The character's graphic width.
graphicSizeY - Variable in class struct.CharacterData
The character's graphic height.
guardAddEnergy - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The value of the energy added to the character when this skill is blocked by the opponent.
guardDamage - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The damage value to the guarded opponent hit by this skill.
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