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C - Variable in class struct.Key
If the value is set to true, then the "C" button will be pressed.
CHANGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
characterData - Variable in class struct.FrameData
The character's data of both characters
Index 0 is P1, index 1 is P2.
CharacterData - Class in struct
The class dealing with data on the character such as the character's HP, energy, coordinates.
characterNames - Variable in class struct.GameData
The both characters' names.
Index 0 is P1, index 1 is P2.
commandCall(String) - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Converts the action name entered by AI into Key and stores it in the list of keys waiting to be executed.
If there are unexecuted keys in the list, this method does nothing.
CommandCenter - Class in aiinterface
The class that converts actions received from AI to keys and manages the keys after conversion.
CommandCenter() - Constructor for class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Class constructor.
control - Variable in class struct.CharacterData
The flag whether this character can run a new motion with the motion's command.
true if the character can run, false otherwise.
createKeys(String) - Method in class aiinterface.CommandCenter
Creates a key corresponding to a command name.
CROUCH - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
CROUCH - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.State
CROUCH_A - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
CROUCH_B - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
CROUCH_FA - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
CROUCH_FB - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
CROUCH_GUARD - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
CROUCH_GUARD_RECOV - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
CROUCH_RECOV - Enum constant in enum class enumerate.Action
currentFrame - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The number of frames since this attack was used.
currentFrameNumber - Variable in class struct.FrameData
The current frame of the round.
currentHitArea - Variable in class struct.AttackData
The HitArea's information of this attack hit box in the current frame.
currentRound - Variable in class struct.FrameData
The current round number.
currentRound - Variable in class struct.RoundResult
Current round number
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