Package struct

Class FrameData


public class FrameData extends Object
The class dealing with the information in the game such as the current frame number, number of rounds and character information.
  • Field Details

    • characterData

      private CharacterData[] characterData
      The character's data of both characters
      Index 0 is P1, index 1 is P2.
    • currentFrameNumber

      private int currentFrameNumber
      The current frame of the round.
    • currentRound

      private int currentRound
      The current round number.
    • projectileData

      private Deque<AttackData> projectileData
      The projectile data of both characters.
    • emptyFlag

      private boolean emptyFlag
      If this value is true, no data are available or they are dummy data.
    • front

      private boolean[] front
      The facing direction of both characters
  • Method Details

    • getCharacter

      public CharacterData getCharacter(boolean playerNumber)
      Returns an instance of the CharacterData class of the player specified by an argument.
      playerNumber - the number of the player. true if the player is P1, or false if P2.
      an instance of the CharacterData class of the player
    • getFramesNumber

      public int getFramesNumber()
      Returns the number of frames since the beginning of the round.
      the number of frames since the beginning of the round
    • getRound

      public int getRound()
      Returns the current round number.
      the current round number
    • getProjectiles

      public Deque<AttackData> getProjectiles()
      Returns the projectile data of both characters.
      the projectile data of both characters
    • getProjectilesByP1

      public Deque<AttackData> getProjectilesByP1()
      Returns the projectile data of player 1.
      the projectile data of player 1
    • getProjectilesByP2

      public Deque<AttackData> getProjectilesByP2()
      Returns the projectile data of player 2.
      the projectile data of player 2
    • getEmptyFlag

      public boolean getEmptyFlag()
      Returns true if this instance is empty, false if it contains meaningful data.
      true if this instance is empty, or false if it contains meaningful data
    • getDistanceX

      public int getDistanceX()
      Returns the horizontal distance between P1 and P2.
      the horizontal distance between P1 and P2
    • getDistanceY

      public int getDistanceY()
      Returns the vertical distance between P1 and P2.
      the vertical distance between P1 and P2
    • isFront

      public boolean isFront(boolean player)
      The character's facing direction.
      player - The character's side flag
      true if the character is facing right, false otherwise.