Package aiinterface

Interface AIInterface

public interface AIInterface
The interface that defines the methods to implement in AI.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    It is called when the game ends.
    Gets the audio information in each frame.
    For more details on the data structure, please see
    getInformation(FrameData frameData, boolean isControl, FrameData nonDelayFrameData)
    Gets information from the game status in each frame.
    Gets the screen information in each frame.
    initialize(GameData gameData, boolean playerNumber)
    This method initializes AI, and it will be executed only once in the beginning of each game.
    Receives a key input from AI.
    It is executed in each frame and returns a value in the Key type.
    Receives whether or not the AI is blind.
    Receives a name from AI.
    Processes the data from AI.
    roundEnd(RoundResult roundResult)
    Informs the result of each round.
    It is called when each round ends.
  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
      Receives a name from AI.
      the name of AI
    • isBlind

      boolean isBlind()
      Receives whether or not the AI is blind.
      true if the AI is blind, otherwise false
    • initialize

      void initialize(GameData gameData, boolean playerNumber)
      This method initializes AI, and it will be executed only once in the beginning of each game.
      Its execution will load the data that cannot be changed and load the flag of the player's side ("Boolean player", true for P1 or false for P2).
      If there is anything that needs to be initialized, you had better do it in this method.
      It will return 0 when such initialization finishes correctly, otherwise the error code.
      gameData - the data that will not be changed during a game
      playerNumber - the character's side flag.
      true if the character is P1, or false if P2.
      See Also:
    • getInformation

      void getInformation(FrameData frameData, boolean isControl, FrameData nonDelayFrameData)
      Gets information from the game status in each frame.
      Such information is stored in the parameter frameData.
      If frameData.getRemainingTime() returns a negative value, the current round has not started yet.
      When you use frameData received from getInformation(),
      you must always check if the condition !frameData.getEmptyFlag() && frameData.getRemainingTime() > 0 holds; otherwise, NullPointerException will occur.
      You must also check the same condition when you use the CommandCenter class.
      frameData - the data that will be changed each frame
      isControl - whether the character can act. this parameter is not delayed unlike CharacterData.isControl()
      nonDelayFrameData - the data that will be changed each frame with no delay (only available if --non-delay flag is set, otherwise null)
      See Also:
    • getScreenData

      void getScreenData(ScreenData screenData)
      Gets the screen information in each frame.
      screenData - the screen information such as the pixel data, it will be empty in blind mode.
    • getAudioData

      void getAudioData(AudioData audioData)
      Gets the audio information in each frame.
      For more details on the data structure, please see
      audioData - the audio information.
    • processing

      void processing()
      Processes the data from AI.
      It is executed in each frame.
    • input

      Key input()
      Receives a key input from AI.
      It is executed in each frame and returns a value in the Key type.
      the value in the Key type
      See Also:
    • roundEnd

      void roundEnd(RoundResult roundResult)
      Informs the result of each round.
      It is called when each round ends.
      roundResult - the result of previous round
      See Also:
    • gameEnd

      void gameEnd()
      It is called when the game ends.