Fighting Game AI Competition

Intelligent Computer Entertainment lab., Ritsumeikan University

2017 Competition Results

Congratulations to

1st Place Winner (AI Name: GigaThunder):
            Eita Aoki*; Japan (*young professional awardee of 300USD by IEEE CIS)

2nd Place Winner (AI Name: FooAI):
            Youssouf Ismail Cherifi*; Institute de Genie Electrique et Electronique, Algeria (*student awardee of 200USD by IEEE CIS)

3rd Place Winner (AI Name: JayBot_2017):
            Man-Je Kim*, Kyung-Joong Kim; Sejong University, Korea (*CIG 2017 participant and student awardee of 500USD by IEEE CIS)



| Click here to download all AIs, the log and result files. |

Video Clips

Mutagen (P1) vs GigaThunder (P2) at Standard with ZEN


GigaThunder (P1) vs MctsAi (P2) at Speedrunning with GARNET