2017 Competition Results
Congratulations to
1st Place Winner (AI Name: GigaThunder):
Eita Aoki*; Japan (*young professional awardee of 300USD by IEEE CIS)
2nd Place Winner (AI Name: FooAI):
Youssouf Ismail Cherifi*; Institute de Genie Electrique et Electronique,
Algeria (*student awardee of 200USD by IEEE CIS)
3rd Place Winner (AI Name: JayBot_2017):
Man-Je Kim*, Kyung-Joong Kim; Sejong University, Korea (*CIG 2017 participant and student awardee of 500USD by IEEE CIS)
| Click here to download all AIs, the log and result files.
Video Clips
Mutagen (P1) vs GigaThunder (P2) at Standard with ZEN
GigaThunder (P1) vs MctsAi (P2) at Speedrunning with GARNET